Wednesday, May 15, 2013

This child...

I don't know this child.
That scared, teeny little princess, not knowing what on earth is going on with all these new people, and new places. Just another of the 147 million who have the status of orphan.
I don't know her.
She doesn't exist anymore.
Instead I know this joyful, active, happy, fulfilled little girl who is loving life and living it to the fullest. Who knows what the love of a family is.
This new little girl replaced the old one.
That's what love can do.
The love of  our Father God, and the love of a family.
The love that every child deserves.


Tomorrow, at 8:30am ET, she will have heart surgery. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE storm heaven for her!!! Keep the prayers coming! And watch for updates on the Lucky to Love Lyla Facebook Page.

I am...


  1. I hope your babysitting goes well and I will pray for sweet Lyla.
    Please keep us updated!

  2. ps. I just realized that her surgery must have already taken place.
    I hope it went well!

  3. Well, until mommy summer tires of her and kicks her to the curb -- just like her fellow RR mommy Kari Reilly did to victor, Shelly Bedford is doing to Evelyn and Autumn Winkle did to lil Yuri (and bodhi is on thin ice too).

    Could lil lyla be next??


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