I'm back!!! Or as my favorite Star Wars character Jar Jar Binks would say it "MESA BACK!" :) I've missed blogging, and I have a whole host of posts lined up! Lots has happened since I took my break, and I can't wait to tell you about it - the good, the bad, the exciting, and disappointing.
But today, I want to bring attention to a very important cause! A very awesome guy, by the name of Brady Murray, has a son with Down syndrome, and has a heart for helping orphans with Down syndrome. He is also a racer- a triathlete. But he doesn't race in just any triathlons, he does Iron-mans. So her put the two together, and we get this:
But today, I want to bring attention to a very important cause! A very awesome guy, by the name of Brady Murray, has a son with Down syndrome, and has a heart for helping orphans with Down syndrome. He is also a racer- a triathlete. But he doesn't race in just any triathlons, he does Iron-mans. So her put the two together, and we get this:

Grab This!
Racing for Orphans with Down Syndrome
My family and I have loved being able to work on behalf of the children on Reece's Rainbow since finding this great organization. It's for this reason that I had a hard time sleeping because of the excitement after hearing about this announcement!
Two months ago, Ironman announced a contest called Kona Inspired. How it works is they have given the general public
Two months ago, Ironman announced a contest called Kona Inspired. How it works is they have given the general public
an opportunity to submit a 90 second video based around the theme, "Anything is Possible". Winners receive a spot
to race in the Ironman World Championship in October, but most importantly, they will race as a media athlete and have
the opportunity to share their story on NBC's nationally televised broadcast of the championship this year! THIS COULD
After reading Ironman's press release we immediately went to work. This is an opportunity to help these children in a
After reading Ironman's press release we immediately went to work. This is an opportunity to help these children in a
way that I never imagined possible! The video came together with the help of many wonderful people and we submitted
it. 105 videos were submitted. After over a month long preliminary public voting, we just received word that we
are one of the top 15 videos and will compete in the final round of voting June 4 - June 18!!!
Please take a moment to WATCH, VOTE, and SHARE our video as much as possible throughout the day from your home computer, work computer, laptop, phone, etc! We need to be in the top 2 videos at the end of the day on June 18.
Thank you for your time and willingness to make the dream of these orphans of finding their forever family a reality!
Please take a moment to WATCH, VOTE, and SHARE our video as much as possible throughout the day from your home computer, work computer, laptop, phone, etc! We need to be in the top 2 videos at the end of the day on June 18.
Thank you for your time and willingness to make the dream of these orphans of finding their forever family a reality!
Brady and Nash |

Jar-Jar is...whoops I better not say it or you'll be mad at me!!! He's definitely not my favorite character though!! :)