I posted this the other day on mine and Rachel's fundraising blog for Lilly. Please help Rachel's birthday wish come true!!
You can see the original post here. Please re-share and help spread the word!!!
Somewhere on the other side of the world there is a beautiful butterfly just waiting for her cocoon to break open so she can be set free.
But she got stuck in her cocoon and wasn't able to come out the same time as most of the butterflies her age. She is soo beautiful on the inside, and just needs love to help her break free to the outside.
So here's where she needs your help. She needs you to help set her free from the cocoon (orphange/possibly institution) she is stuck in.
You can help set Lilly love free by sponsoring a piece of her puzzle!
Her butterfly puzzle! That's right we are doing a puzzle fundraiser!
After the puzzle is filled up, it will be glued and given to Lilly's future adoptive parents when they bring her home. One day, Lilly will be able to look at this butterfly and see all the many people who loved her and helped her break free!
To sponsor a puzzle piece:
Donate just $5 (times whatever amount of puzzle pieces you want to sponsor if more than one) to Lilly's grant. You can donate by:
-Using the chip-in on our sidebar (which goes directly to RR, just we can see who has donated)
-Using Lilly's account directly on RR
-Sending a check to:
Reece's Rainbow
PO Box 4024
Gaithersburg, MD 20885
(BE SURE to specify in the memo line it's for 'Lilly 3G').
After you have donated, you have to email us telling us how many pieces you sponsored, what names you would like on them (we are just doing last initial), and what method you used to pay. Our email is handiworkforelijah (at) gmail (dot) com. If you do not email us, you will not get your names on the puzzle! You can sponsor a piece for every member of your family, or you can sponsor a piece in honor or loving memory of someone!
We already have a good start on it, since we have put the names of everyone who has ordered from us while we have been raising money for Lilly. There are 500 pieces, and only 37 have names on them. That leaves 463 left.
What we have filled in so far! The upper right wing. |
But here's the catch. Our goal is to have it filled in little less than a month from now. In other words, we want to have it all filled in by midnight on May 28th. You know why May 28th? Because that is this girl's birthday:
Rachel. My other half, and best friend. Also Lilly's warrior, and the one who first fell in love with Lilly. I quite frankly, could not keep this blog running without her help.
She's turning 16, and I can tell you for a fact without even confirming it with her, that there is nothing she wants more for her Sweet Sixteen then for Lilly to have a family. Nothing.
And you can help get Lilly one step closer to that goal by being a piece of the puzzle. Becoming part of her butterfly! Help set her free!
Please bless Rachel, but more importantly, help Lilly find a family by getting your name on a puzzle piece!
Think 463 a lot?? I don't think so! Not for God! Let's knock out that number, shall we? Thank you!!!

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