Hahaha I think that earns the record for the longest title in the history of this blog! :)
So, while I'm gone, I want to leave you with this mega WW post of many precious children who need families. They were just recently listed RR, so they haven't been able to get much exposure yet. Unfortunately, they all have very slim chances of finding families. Why? Because most people are scared away by their ages.
And that breaks my heart. Sooo many deserving children, most of them almost my age or older!! So deserving of families, but thrown away by their country. I certainly would not like being stuck in an institution my whole life! Would like want to see me in an institution? No? Well then, you shouldn't want to see any of these children there either.
I want you to please PLEASE consider adding one of these precious children to your family, and if you aren't able to, YELL for them. Beg others to be their families! They don't deserve to age out in a couple years and not ever know the love of a family!
First, here is the requirements for adopting from their region.
Region 09
- 3 trips
- 1st trip, Both parents for 7 days
- Wait 2-3 months for court
- Both parents travel for 2nd trip for court hearing, 10 days
- This region does not waive the 30 day wait
- Only one parent has to make third trip of 2 weeks
- No more than 6 children at home
- Applicants should be no more than 45 years older than the child
- Total program and travel fees under $35k
- Married couples and single mothers may apply
- No criminal background
- No history of mental health concerns (depression, bipolar, or other mental health issues)
FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ANY OF THE CHILDREN LISTED BELOW, and to confirm your eligibility and financial preparedness to adopt internationally, PLEASE CLICK HERE!
And here are the precious kids needing mamas (click on their name to go to their page):
Trina 9HA

Girl, born October 1996
Eyes of Gray
Blond hair
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Trina is almost 16! Imagine spending most of your life in an institution. She should be home getting ready for the prom, not living in a crib. God help her, she looks so sad. She needs a family asap or she will have no chance at finding a family!
Trina is almost 16! Imagine spending most of your life in an institution. She should be home getting ready for the prom, not living in a crib. God help her, she looks so sad. She needs a family asap or she will have no chance at finding a family!
Families considering our older, institutionalized children should be home study approved prior to commitment.
Jared 9HA

Boy, born October 1996
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Blue Eyes
Nature of fun, not relaxing – he sounds like a busy guy!
Jared will be 16 in October, He needs a family soon or his chances to find a family will be gone. His description says “Nature of fun, not relaxing.” He sounds like a typical 16 year old!!
Jared will be 16 in October, He needs a family soon or his chances to find a family will be gone. His description says “Nature of fun, not relaxing.” He sounds like a typical 16 year old!!
Families considering our older, institutionalized children should be home study approved prior to commitment.
Stefan 9HA

Boy, born September 1996
Brown eyes
Hair light brown
The nature of the active
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Stefan is almost 16! He looks like he’s full of energy and ready to jump into a new life. We need a family for Stefan by September or his chances to be adopted will be lost.
Are you his family??
Families considering our older, institutionalized children should be home study approved prior to commitment.
Buddy 9HA

Boy, born December 2001
Eyes of Gray
Dark hair
The nature of communicative
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Buddy is a handsome young man who will be 11 in December. Although he hasn’t had a chance to be play ball and be on a team, as you can see he has kept that boy spirit. Let’s help Buddy be a member of his own team…his family!!
Gabrielle 9HA

Girl, born June 1998
Brown eyes
The nature of communicative
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Gabrielle means “God is my might.” She is almost 14! She looks so sad and her mouth looks so sore! Wouldn’t a family be so wonderful for her?
Gabrielle has some apparent dental issues. Dental work would make a big difference in her overall health. Please help our Gabby find a family!!
Seth 9HA

Boy, born March 1999
Eyes of Gray
Nature of Good
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Seth is 13! He has such soulful eyes. Those baby blues…. He is also confined to a crib. What 13 year old child deserves to be in a crib for life?? Can we help him break free?
Dahl 9HA

Boy, born September 1999
Eyes of Gray
The nature of calm
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Dahl is 12. He is another little one that would benefit from a family and the correct nutrition. It says he is calm. Let’s give Dahl a reason to be calm, but learn how to play and be the boy he so deserves to be!
Helena 9HA

Girl, born August 1999
Blue Eyes
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Helena is almost 13! This tiny, beautiful little girl is almost a teenager. Hard to believe isn’t it? She has such a beautiful face. Such beauty hidden away. Can we help save her so the world can see the beauty we all see in her??
Landen 9HA

Boy, born February 1999
Brown eyes
Hair dark brown
The nature of aggressive, non-contact
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Landen is 13! He is described as aggressive and non-contact. Maybe poor Landen has never had a reason to be anything else. Can we give him a reason to come out of his shell? This boy would surely benefit from the love of a family and some therapy. It’s hard to understand love when nobody has ever loved you!
Abilene 9HA

Girl, born February 1998
Eyes of Gray
Hair dark brown
The nature of a quiet, sociable
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Abilene is 14! She looks like the light is gone from her eyes. She is desribed as sociable, which she should be. Let’s help Abilene get out of an institution and into the social life of a family and friends!!
Charlie 9HA

Boy, born June 1998
Brown eyes
Hair dark brown
The nature uncommunicative
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Charlie is almost 14! He looks so small. Yet, he finds a reason to smile. Charlie would make a great big brother to some lucky little child. If you have any concerns about older child adoptions, feel free to ask us here at Reece’s Rainbow. We have many people that could give you the information you are looking for!
Kirk 9HA

Has brothers or sisters
Boy, born July 1998
Eyes of Gray
Hair dark brown
Capricious nature
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Kirk will be 14 in July. Wouldn’t it be a great thing to have a family before Independence Day? Kirk has such a handsome face! Let’s help Kirk find a family before it’s to late!!
Bartholemew 9HA

Boy, born August 1997
Blue Eyes
Blond hair
The nature of Moody
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Oh, this poor boy. His lips look so dry. Our heart breaks for his look of sadness! Barth is almost 15. He needs a family fast! This region allows unrelated children to be adopted. Please consider him and maybe another child from this region.
Faith 9HA

Girl, born November 1997
Brown eyes
Hair dark brown
The nature uncommunicative
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Faith is another girl that is almost 15! She has the sweetest face. She looks as if she has quite the spirit! Let’s help Faith keep the faith and show her the life she deserves!
Hope 9HA

Girl, born July 1997
Blue Eyes
Blond hair
The nature of calm
Hope’s diagnosis is unconfirmed – it’s believed she either has Down syndrome or Cornelia de Lange syndrome. An interested family would be able to get further medical information.
Precious Hope. There are not enough words in this world to explain how our hearts ache for her! Hope is almost 15! She has some definite eye issues. Can you imagine what it would do for her if she was able to find a family and have her eyes checked??!! Let’s help her to see what this world can actually be like outside the confines of a crib.
Joy 9HA

Has brothers or sisters
Girl, born October 1997
Blue Eyes
Blond hair
The nature of calm
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Joy is a precious teenager that is almost 15! Most children when confined to a crib for the greater part of their lives look much smaller then they should be. She looks like she still smiles even though she has been in an institution for many years now. Let’s help Joy to keep that “Joy” and help her to become the teenager she should be!
There are 16 children. I know that at least 3 times that number of people read my blog, so if you all choose one to help or even say a prayer for, we'll be able to do something BIG! Together we can, one at a time! Thank you for helping these gorgeous jewels!!
And let me assure you, this will not be the last time you are hearing from me about these children of region 9! I'm planning on yelling and yelling for them until each and every one has a family!!!
And as always, be sure to go get a puzzle piece!