I'm a terrible blogger I know.... I need to get more post pre-written so that when life leaves no time for blogging I have a back up plan. :) But anyways....
Once upon a time... There was a sweet little boy who was not yet a year old. He was born sometime last August, he shares the same birthday month as me! He has one extra chromosome, and is as cute as a button. And he was born on the other side of the world, in a huge country we'll call "R". But his family didn't see the beauty in him, they only saw the extra chromosome. And so like many others, he was abandoned. Left to be sent to an orphanage, to die, because no one wants him. The end.
His story is like so many others, and we often tend to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the orphans, because there are just sooo many and the need is sooo great. One story runs into another, they all seem the same. BUT, they aren't!!! Each orphan is a precious gift created by God, unique and beautiful. They can't help it no one wants them, that they were born with Down syndrome, that's just the way God made them!
You know that little boy in the "fairy tale" story above? He is real! He is unique! He is not just another baby who needs a family! He is SPECIAL! He is chosen by God as a gift to a special family! Are you ready to receive such a special gift? Sweet baby Vincent is ready!
And his region has a lot less strict requirements than some other regions. Do you fit the qualifications for such a precious gift as Vincent??
Once upon a time... There was a sweet little boy who was not yet a year old. He was born sometime last August, he shares the same birthday month as me! He has one extra chromosome, and is as cute as a button. And he was born on the other side of the world, in a huge country we'll call "R". But his family didn't see the beauty in him, they only saw the extra chromosome. And so like many others, he was abandoned. Left to be sent to an orphanage, to die, because no one wants him. The end.
His story is like so many others, and we often tend to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the orphans, because there are just sooo many and the need is sooo great. One story runs into another, they all seem the same. BUT, they aren't!!! Each orphan is a precious gift created by God, unique and beautiful. They can't help it no one wants them, that they were born with Down syndrome, that's just the way God made them!
You know that little boy in the "fairy tale" story above? He is real! He is unique! He is not just another baby who needs a family! He is SPECIAL! He is chosen by God as a gift to a special family! Are you ready to receive such a special gift? Sweet baby Vincent is ready!
Vincent 8W
Vincent DOES have siblings. They are not available to be adopted.
The boy was born in August 2011.
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
And his region has a lot less strict requirements than some other regions. Do you fit the qualifications for such a precious gift as Vincent??
- Our agency partner in this region requires families to be homestudy ready before they can make a formal commitment. Additional info about each child is not available until the home study is complete, as this is what enables them to inquire prior to dossier submission.
- 1st trip, Both parents for 5-7 days
- Wait 2-3 months for court
- Both parents travel for 2nd trip, one can leave after 4 days, the other waits 10-25 days longer
- This particular region *often* waives the 10 days, but parents must be prepared to make a 3rd trip, with the new 30 day wait after court
- Two unrelated children may be adopted on a case by case basis
- No family size restrictions
- Mother must not be more than 48 years older than child
- Fee includes a $500 orphanage donation
- Married couples and single mothers may apply
- Total approx cost $30k

What a love!!