Monday, August 15, 2011

'Mazing Monday - Lilya Zoromski

LILYA for the Zoromski family–WI


Follow the Zoromski family's adoption journey on their blog at 
Or visit their family blog where you'll find updates of Lily at

Remember when my parents were traveling to adopt Jonathan? And I posted about that "crazy" lady (here and here if you don't remember - the second link might be a better read...;p) I was staying with? Well, that's her in the purple above! :) And the sweet little girl she's holding.. is Lilya!

Unlike any other of my 'Mazing Monday posts thus far, I can tell about her (Lilya, not Michelle) personally, not just from what I know about her from her blog. Why? Because I spent two weeks at her house! :) I can tell you that she is a happy energetic girl, and one of her favorite signs/words is "help"! :) From what I hear, she found her voice shortly before we arrived at her house, and apparently she liked it, because she kept it! ;) But enough of me telling you about her, let's see some pictures of her! :)

On Gotcha Day - July 12th, 2010
Playing in the sprinkler - Sometime in June, 2011

Elijah and Lilya

She's recently started riding horses! :)

And this girl has changed amazingly in her swinging abilities!! Back at the orphanage - 

And in May 2011 (she has gotten better since then I think!) -

But, guess what! She recently turned 7! When? The day after, Aaron, Khloe, and my birthday - August 12th! :) 
Happy Birthday Lilya (a bit late)!

I love this girl! :)


  1. She is adorable! She looks like such a happy little girl.

  2. Awwww, Sarah! We miss you!! Lil's new favorite word is "Ow." Everything is "Ow." it's very cute!

    Happy birthday to you, too!! We were in California last week, for Lil's birthday ... Disneyland, yay!! :)


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