Tuesday, September 20, 2011

'Mazing Monday - Carrington Burman

This is my 100th post!!! I don't know what I rambled about in all those posts, but I say 100 since March isn't bad! :) I've posted 22 Waiting Wednesday posts, 11 Faithful Friday posts, 10 'Mazing Monday posts (including this one), gained 25 awesome followers (and many ( I hope!) reading that aren't officially followings), and had over 25 hundreds hits on this page! I credit it all to one thing - The fact that God adopted us first! If he hadn't there would be no hope, no love, and no 'Mazing Monday's!

Quite awhile ago, last March in fact, I posted a prayer request here. That request was for a little girl by the name of Carrington! Please read that here. Then shortly after she started recovering, I wrote this post - Resurrection. Today, she is THRIVING and blossoming into the beautiful girl God made her to be!

TORI & ANASTASIYA for the Burman family‏ — Mansfield, TX

Visit Carrington (Anastasiya)'s blog here: http://carringtonscourage.blogspot.com/
In the orphanage -

In the hospital -

And today-

Is she not the sweetest EVER??? Amazing isn't a strong enough word for her transformation!!! I love you Princess Carrington!!!!
Alrighty people... I've been posting her pic for long?! Why aren't you (ya, you!) going to get her??

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