Friday, September 23, 2011

Faithful Friday - The Doloski Family

Today, meet another family who has stepped out in faith - the Doloski's!

And remember when I posted about this sweet boy??
 Well that's who they are getting! :)

PATRICK for the Doloski family — Seneca, IL

Michael and Jennifer have been married for 16 years and have been blessed with three amazing children.  Their daughters are 14 and 11, and their son is 5.  Last summer, long before the couple had decided to adopt, someone asked their little guy if he had any brothers.  They were a bit taken aback when he said, “Not yet!”  It was sometime later when he announced that he wanted a brother and made this request, “And when you do get me a brother, make sure he can talk to me.”  Clearly, their son wasn’t dreaming of a newborn sibling!  It was in 2009, when friends of the couple traveled to China to bring home their four-year-old daughter, that Jennifer became aware of this world’s orphan crisis.  (It was also at this time that she developed an incurable addiction to adoption blogs!)  She would share stories with Michael and the children regularly.  She stumbled on Reece’s Rainbow when one blog she was reading included a donation button for two little girls with Down Syndrome.  They have prayed for many families and supported some financially as they have been able.  Through all of this, inspired by other families’ testimonies, they began to ask what God’s will was for their family when it came to caring for orphans.  In May the couple agreed that it was time to start their own adoption journey, and in July, thanks to another Reece’s Rainbow family’s blog, they learned of Patrick.  They had not planned on bringing home an older brother for their son, but Patrick’s story touched their hearts and inspired them to action.  They know they are in a race to get their little boy home as quickly as possible to avoid his transfer from his “baby house” and to get him the medical attention that might help him one day walk.  Your prayers are requested, and any donations are gratefully accepted.

Follow the Doloski family's adoption journey on their blog at

$544.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

I am so happy Patrick is getting a FAMILY! Patrick, whom they are naming Joshua, is coming home to an awesome family! They are currently waiting for their homestudy to be done, and working on compiling their dossier (pronounced doss-ee-ay) which is all their paperwork that needs to go over Joshua's country! And the best part (in my opinion!), besides the fact that he is coming home, is that they live less than 3 hours away from me! I can't wait to take a road trip down to meet this boy!! So let's get him home! (Not so I can meet him, so he doesn't have to be alone without a mommy!!! :))

Joshua's story, taken from his profile - 
This boy has had an unbelievably sad life.  His mother gave birth to a little boy with arthrogryposis, but she didn't refuse her child; they were together, only Patrick and his Mom.   The Mom had no money for treatment for her son.   In January 2011, the Mom found out that the Baby house opened a group for special needs children (like a kindergarten), and finally she would be able to find a job.  It was also important to her that her boy would meet other children with similar disabilities. So, Patrick started to visit the “kindergarten”, and his Mom wanted to find a job, but then she was diagnosed with cancer.  She was hospitalized, but any day when she could, she went to visit her son.  
In March his Mother died, and Patrick doesn't yet believe that his Mom won't come back.  It's heartbreaking to see this little boy in a wheel chair trying to find Mom's face in every lady coming to the Baby house.

Doesn't that make you want to help get him home? So go now, and donate to their profile (click on 'Patrick for the Doloski Family' above)! If you aren't able to donate, please pray!! At the end of their profile it says "Your prayers are requested, and any donations are gratefully accepted." I love that! :) So let's get this boy HOME! :)


1 comment:

  1. I finally got over here to read this - couldn't figure out why I couldn't find it on your "stitching blog" - takes me a few minutes sometimes. . . Thank you so much for sharing our story!


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