I know most of you probably already know if you have been following any adoption world happenings the past few days, but for those of you who haven't, I want to share who Lyla's FAMILY is!!!! Check this out:
Dave & Summer are a happy married couple that have been BLESSED with 7 children. Taylor, Conor & Nick are biological, while Owen, Belle, Gavin & Sara were chosen. Owen & Sara were placed as foster children when Owen was 4 months old and Sara was just a tiny newborn. The Spitz family was so grateful that they were able to adopt both of them in 2010. Then in June of 2010 the family committed to adopting Lilianna, the most beautiful girl with the biggest blue eyes. They were devastated when they were told in September that she was in the hospital, she was not expected to live and they were not permitted to bring her home. The news was the end to a dream. The family did not give up on the mission to save; they continued their adoption journey. Isabelle was adopted from Ukraine on December 30, 2010 and what a glorious day that was!! The Spitz family had planned to return to Ukraine in the spring if Lilianna had survived. They inquired about her but she was still not adoptable and still not expected to live. The family came to the realization that Lilianna would not be a part of their forever family. The family was heartbroken. The Spitz’s still answered the call to adopt and they moved forward to adopt Gavin. The Gavinator as he is now known was adopted on December 22, 2011. While in the process of adopting Gavin, the news of a miracle was revealed. Lilianna had SURVIVED and was adoptable. Since Gavin was in the same orphanage as Lilianna, Summer asked permission to see her. Summer explains that visit to be the most overwhelming emotional few minutes of her entire life. She told Lilianna how much she loved her and promised that her Mommy & Daddy would come for her soon. Summer left that room not knowing how long the sweet little girl she just held could honestly survive with a failing heart. It was a wonderful day when a family that loved her dearly committed to her. Finally it was Lilianna’s turn to be SAVED and she could have life saving surgery. Unfortunately, they were not able to continue with the adoption to bring Lilianna home. Little did Summer know that on January 19, 2012 the stunning little girl she held was actually her forever daughter!!! So now, 2 years later the Spitz family is working at lightening speed to finally bring home the little girl that they not only LOVE dearly but the girl that had led them to their newest amazing additions, Belle & Gavin!!! Only GOD!!!!!
LILIANNA for the Spitz family — Jamestown, NY

Follow the family’s adoption journey on their blog at http://luckytolovelyla.blogspot.com/
Please go read their AMAZING story here - http://luckytolovelyla.blogspot.com/2012/03/dear-lyla.html
As Rachel wisely put it "I think the Spitz's have the most amazing adoption story I have heard yet!" I agree 100%!!!! I am soo happy for them and for Lyla!! And I'm soo happy I can finally share this news with all of you! I've been going a bit batty the past week not being able to tell!
I still can NOT look at this beautiful picture without tears coming to my eyes....
I'll love you forever Lyla, and I'm SOO happy you are coming home to one of the most wonderful families in the WORLD!

Awe Sarah!!! Thank you so so so MUCH!!!! Thank you for LOVING her and advocating like CRAZY!!! Sure do LOVE YOU BUNCHES!!!!