So, what's up with my twice a week posting?? I'm wondering myself! :P
While researching for a paper I'm writing, I found the following. If you don't know much about Down syndrome, or even if you do, it's definitely worth a read. :)
I also posted here about what Down syndrome is if you want to read that, and also
here about different kinds of Ds.
I also posted here about what Down syndrome is if you want to read that, and also
here about different kinds of Ds.
MYTH: Down Syndrome is a rare disorder.
FACT: Down syndrome is not rare. About 1 in every 700 babies is born with Down syndrome and over 6000 babies are born with Down syndrome in the US each year. Currently, it is estimated that there are over 350,000 individuals with Down syndrome in the United States.
MYTH: Most children with Down syndrome are born to older parents.
FACT: Over 80% of babies with Down syndrome are born to women under the age of 35, and the average age of a mother of an infant with Down syndrome is 28 years.
MYTH: Children with Down syndrome must be placed in separate special education programs.
FACT: Most children with Down syndrome in the United States are “mainstreamed” into regular schools. They attend regular classes for some subjects and attend special classes for other subjects. Each school system is required to provide the best learning environment possible for all special needs children.
MYTH: People with Down Syndrome will live at home forever.
FACT: A large percentage of adults with Down syndrome live semi-independently in assisted living facilities and group homes. Adults with Down syndrome often hold jobs and have romantic relationships.
MYTH: People with Down syndrome are always happy.
FACT: People with Down syndrome experience a full range of emotions such as sadness, anger and happiness, just like everyone else.
MYTH: Individuals with Down syndrome die young.
FACT: The average life expectancy of an individual with Down syndrome is now 50 years of age.

I think it is awesome that you take the time to educate people about DS.... I have learned so much from you!