Tonight I want to bring some attention to two awesome giveaways that are going on right now to benefit some awesome kids and families! The first to help this little girl come home!
She has a family working hard to get her, but they need help to bring her home!! There are lots of wonderful things up for grabs including a Ipad 3, a SLR camera, lots of gift cards, a bunch of other cool stuff and this cute hat made by yours truly and my sweet friend Rach!
And the other giveaway I want to tell you about is the one popping up all over blog world right now - the Mulligan Stew Giveaway! This awesome giveaway benefits so many waiting children and adopting families!!! There aren't to many giveaways that have a bunch of families included, but this one does! 9 families, 9 children, and many lost boys!
Up for grabs is another Ipad 3, 2 Kindle Fires, lots of gift cards, and over 80 other prizes including a $25 gift certificate to mine and Rachel's blog Handiwork for Lilly, which was purchased by Christina!

To see all the prizes, families, and children...

Her name is Albina, and she is at the same place at sweet Katie Ruth!
She has a family working hard to get her, but they need help to bring her home!! There are lots of wonderful things up for grabs including a Ipad 3, a SLR camera, lots of gift cards, a bunch of other cool stuff and this cute hat made by yours truly and my sweet friend Rach!
And the other giveaway I want to tell you about is the one popping up all over blog world right now - the Mulligan Stew Giveaway! This awesome giveaway benefits so many waiting children and adopting families!!! There aren't to many giveaways that have a bunch of families included, but this one does! 9 families, 9 children, and many lost boys!
Up for grabs is another Ipad 3, 2 Kindle Fires, lots of gift cards, and over 80 other prizes including a $25 gift certificate to mine and Rachel's blog Handiwork for Lilly, which was purchased by Christina!

To see all the prizes, families, and children...

Thank you for helping these children get one step closer to their forever families!!

I LOVE this hat - do you have any others like this that are made already or is it a special order? I'll need a hat for Katie Ruth in May when she COMES HOME!!!