Awhile back, before this happend, my best friend Rachel and I shared about orphans and adoption for lesson time at AWANA. (AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, ans is like a youth group for preschoolers up to 5th grade with games, lesson time, book time (memorizing scripture), and songs.) We shared about different orphans, including Logan, and handed out baggies for the kids to collect coins to help an orphan. Those coins were for Logan so his family could bring him home. They raised almost $200!! Unfortunately, Logan became unavailable, and had lost his family. (That money ended up going towards Maxim.)
Fast forward to last night. I had gone to AWANA to help the kisd build their cars for the AWANA Grad Prix that's coming up. I was wearing my Logan necklace. A little 5 yo girl came in and I was helping her take her coat off.
She pointed to my necklace and asked, "Is that your baby?"
I was caught off gaurd so I said "What?" She asked again.
"Is that your baby?"
I answered, "Yes, he's my baby."
My baby. Forever.
Fast forward to last night. I had gone to AWANA to help the kisd build their cars for the AWANA Grad Prix that's coming up. I was wearing my Logan necklace. A little 5 yo girl came in and I was helping her take her coat off.
She pointed to my necklace and asked, "Is that your baby?"
I was caught off gaurd so I said "What?" She asked again.
"Is that your baby?"
I answered, "Yes, he's my baby."
My baby. Forever.
Lyrics | JJ Heller lyrics - When I'm With You lyrics
