Today is World Down Syndrome Day! If you are like me and follow lots of blogs, you will have read 15 posts about today, but hey, why not another?? (Yes, I counted! ;P Seemed like a lot more then 15 though..)
If you aren't like me, and don't follow any blogs that posted about World Down Syndrome Day, keep reading. And if you do, keep reading! :)
Today March 21st, or 3.21 was chosen because Down syndrome is a 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome. And today, we CELEBRATE those who have a little something extra!! The ones who are a BLESSING, not a curse.
I love how somebody put it today (I'm sorry I don't remember who!), they said "Down syndrome isn't a disability, it's an extra ability! After all more love is better right?"
The other night we celebrated with our local Ds group. Everyone had a blast jumping around! Here are some of my (very terrible) pictures from the night!
And one of my favorite parts of the evening beside celebrating all of the reasons above, seeing "my" baby Dax again! He's so much smaller than in pictures, and just as sweet as ever!
Where are we celebrating?? Because all of these children, and SOO many more, were given LIFE!
Down syndrome is not something to fear or detest, it's just more to LOVE! It's not scary and it does NOTdefine a person! Down syndrome is soo special, and it changes everyone around the person who was blessed with it for the better!
I want you to go read this post, it defines everything so much better than I could, and honestly made me cry - Proverbs Twenty-four Twelve: A Blessing
After you are done reading that, come back here and watch this video please.
And after that, on World Down Syndrome Day, I want to show you someone who is blessed with a extra chromosome, but has no reason to celebrate.
Meet beautiful Lianne:
At first glance what do you see??
Like most, probably a little girl, who probably needs a family, has Down syndrome, looks very delayed, and doesn't look very happy.
That what I saw too. But then I started to look deeper.
I then saw a princess, created in the very image of God himself. A princess who needed my help. No, I can't go slay any dragons for her, or free her from a dungeon, but I can be her voice, and help her to get the one thing she needs most - a family.
She was blessed with Down syndrome too, but she has no reason to celebrate. Because she was abandoned because of her extra chromosome. She doesn't have the opportunities in that orphanage that she would have here.
Look at her like God sees her - a princess. And please consider helping her.
Baby Lianne was born with Down syndrome. She does have significant strabismus. She has an open oval window (atrial defect) that should be checked once she is home.
She was recently moved to orphanage 53. She is negative for HIV. More photos available, married couples only please.
$1152.50 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Yes - Dax IS so much smaller than in pictures!!!! AND - Lil is so much TALLER than I thought! Crazy when you think you know these kids based on a few photos, and then you see them and real life!
ReplyDeleteAlso....I never noticed Lizzy on your sidebar before. Be still my heart!! What a beauty...!
Great post!!! Glad you had fun with the Ds group! :)