Sweet Ekaterina... what can I can about her that her pictures don't tell you? She was born in March 2004, so she turns 8 years old sometime this month. She has Down syndrome (and also appears to have strabismus/crossed eyes) and because of it is shunned and tucked away and forgotten about in her country. She is another Teri Lynn, another Ksenia, and she needs OUT!
Teri Lynn (who now has a family and is home as far as we know!)....
Ksenia (who is still waiting!)....
And Ekateria (who is also still waiting!)....
I love the name Ekaterina - it's unique, it's Slavic, it's beautiful. Ekaterina means blessed, pure, holy. When will someone see her as she really is? A blessed, pure, holy, and BEAUTIFUL child of God! A daughter of the King of kings! A Princess!
Teri Lynn (who now has a family and is home as far as we know!)....
Ksenia (who is still waiting!)....
And Ekateria (who is also still waiting!)....
I love the name Ekaterina - it's unique, it's Slavic, it's beautiful. Ekaterina means blessed, pure, holy. When will someone see her as she really is? A blessed, pure, holy, and BEAUTIFUL child of God! A daughter of the King of kings! A Princess!
Ekaterina 16G
Girl born in March 2004
Ekaterina deserves a better life than this
Our children with special needs simply do not recieve the level of care they should in this region, and really need help fundraising. It will not be possible to get additional medical info about these children until your dossier is registered. Families adopting in this region must have an open heart and a leap of faith to save these children!

Look at how healthy she was as a baby, now she is a shell, tiny, and hidden away 

Ekaterina has brown hair, blue eyes, and is described as inquisitive and active. She has already been transferred to the institution. Families should be home study approved prior to commitment.

this breaks my heart!