Friday morning was a great start to a great day! After a RR breakfast at McD's, we dropped Lilya, Ruby, and Braden off at Kid's Camp (Ru and Braden did great, Lil no so much), and started to set up the RR table in the exhibitors hall which opened at noon. While taking Ru for a potty break, we met Elmo and Cookie Monster!
What a diva! |
Aaron had to get in a picture too! |
And now... we'll experiment with what happens when Caleb and Molly forget their cameras, and I am in charge of capturing precious moments between advocate and baby. This is the reason I split Thursday and Friday up!
At the RR table (as are all the rest of the pictures in this post!) - Julia Nalle and Mila! |
Mila B with her daddy, Shawn - she loves having a daddy! |
Self portrait of the 3 of us! Dusty, Sonya, and I Attempt #1 |
Attempt #2 - Dusty would rather play with my nose and Sonya would rather laugh at me |
Love this love bug! |
Sonya and Josh |
Lilya loves Caleb too! |
And Sonya loves her Elizabeth! |
Mr. Cheeks! Ohhh my goodness is he ever a CHUNK... I thought Jonathan was, but this little man is 8 mo old! |
He was adopted via foster care, and Molly (above) and Caleb were loving him up! |
Dusty was done with whatever Caleb was telling him... ;) |
Sonya and Julia |
Dusty and Julia |
Elizabeth and Sonya |
Sonya and I |
Andrea Roberts (Director of RR) and Kendall, who a RR baby and Mr. Cheeks big brother! |
Sonya and Josh |
Her crazy long tongue! |
Sonya and Julia |
Please not that all the above pictures are in chronological order of when they were taken. By the end of the week, we were VERY good at playing pass the baby! ;)
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