Thursday, January 12, 2012

I'm lovin' it!

This is absolutely amazing! Now sweet Michelle has a family!
I haven't posted about her, but I've always loved her!

 I guess it's because I love blind kids! (No wait, I didn't say that... yes, Yvonne I am regretting saying that! LOL) 

I am soo happy for her and all the others who found a family the past few days!

Psst! Go check out Victoria's new family here!:)

Disclaimer: Despite the title of this post, I absolutely HATE McDonald's!!! Unless it's Ukrainian McDonald's then it's pretty good, because the Ukranian McD's food actually looks and tastes like the advertisments unlike the gross American McD's. :P Did you know in Ukraine people dress up to go the McD's like a fancy restaurant??? :)


  1. I was excited to see Michelle on the MfFM page too! So many kids have been found lately! Yay! Praise God!

  2. LOL I get a kick out of it that they dress up to go to McD's :)

  3. sarah ive added your link to tabitha and maxim and have emailed natalie.ive also added lilly with links to yoou rachel and camie and a linkto your craft blog.

    also added kesnia and added your link as a warrior for that ok? xxxxxxxxxxxx


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