Friday, September 21, 2012

Last few days with the Spitz's

I got home last night. I'll blog more about it later, but let's just say I jinxed myself asking for prayers for an uneventful trip!! ;) To catch up on my blogging (since my computer was being crazy my last few days NY), here are pictures from the last few days I spent with Lyla and the Spitz family. :)
These two love their teethers!!

This daddy's love for his daughter is amazing....


Feet Wars!! Between Lyla and Gavin!

Lyla's Sandal Gap - soo cute!
Aren't her feet huge?? They are so long and thin!

Asleep in Daddy's Arms

Breathing Treatments... Lyla must have had these in the orphanage or something because she knew right what to do and held in her mouth the whole time!!

Lyla and big brother Conor!

Belle loves the sound and vibration of the breathing machine... same as the vacuum!

Visiting Bellie's school!

Painting with her tongue, crazy girl!

That's better, but still her tongue isn't going back in the mouth - she thinks she will be able to sneak it down for another lick! ;)

On her classroom door - what a perfect picture for her! :)

Her very own locker!!

Sara Grace in her Princess Belle costume

Dancing with Tay the Beast!

One of my favorite pictures that I took while there!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sarah!!! I sure do Miss you!!!! My goodness you captured some great moments!!! THANK YOU!!!!! Love YOU!!!!


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