Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lyla's 2nd Day Home and Other Random Pics

Lyla is doing AMAZING!! She is adjusting so well, and adjusted to the new time zone/sleep schedule like it never happened. She's loving her siblings and they are loving her, though there has been a bit of vying for attention going on, but not too bad! She is a princess and is getting spoiled like one (hey, we gotta make up for the first 3 years of her life she didn't have princess treatment!)! We all love this girl, and we still can't believe she is HOME!!!
Lyla loves her exersaucer!

Can her eyes be any prettier?? Gorgeous!

That would be her mouth when she tried to eat my camera.
Mama's home, so the pig tails are back!! Grandma and I tried, but we just couldn't get them right. I do love her  piggies better when her hair is shorter though -- they are more poofy! :)
It doesn't look like it here, but Lyla loves the stroller and fussed when we stopped pushing her! :)
Just chilling, wondering why she isn't being pushed anymore! :)
Lyla has a cardiologist appt tomorrow, so please pray all is well for now and she doesn't have to be immediately admitted, and can wait for her surgery.

If you can't tell I took significantly less pictures today then the 250 of yesterday! I only took 50 today! ;) So here are some pictures I haven't posted yet from the past week before Lyla and Mama got home!
"There's a camera! Quick Gav, put your thumb in your mouth!!"
Gavin - he's making sure that I'm don't forget how to take care of naughty little Ukrainians when I get home to my brothers! ;)
Bellie chillin' in her pool! She loves being in there!! It's a lot cleaner than the driveway too.
Doing stretches!
At the park... didn't take to many pics this day as I was too busy being the tickle monster and chasing them!!

Another day we had a picnic at another park (this park)!

Bellie and I
Playing Frisbee!
Belle sitting at the table like a big girl!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear she is doing amazing! She is such a resilient little girl! Thanks for the update and praying all goes well tomorrow and the doc is able to give some answers.


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