Sunday, December 4, 2011

Days of Elijah - Days 2, 3, and 4

Epic blogger fail!! I start a 30-day bloggy challenge and I fail on day 2! :) I blame it on the hetic past two days, but more about that in the next post! Here are days 2-4!!

Day 2
December 2nd... One year ago today, my parents met Elijah for the first time. Oh, so much has happened since then!! It seems like soo much longer than a year ago, yet I remember it like it was yesterday. Not to mention the amazing transformation in Elijah! Just check out the difference with the photos on my mom's post! You can read her one year ago today post here -

Day 3
A tidbit very important thing to note about Elijah is he a Signing Time addict!!! Whether it's reg Signing Time, Baby Signing Time, or his new fav that just came out - Potty Time!!

This song from reg ST is a favorite, and has really helped them start to learn their colors. ("Hopkins" aka me (that's another one of the nicknames I forgot in my ABC's of my life post!), is also good at signing this song!!)

"Signing Time Rachel" signing I love you!

Day 4
So I'm caught up, but I'm also out of ideas! LOL Why did I decide to do this anyways?? Ok, I'll tell you mr. Elijah LOVES his "Auntie Crackers"!! Auntie Deb, who she is more commonly known as, always has crackers for Elijah, hence she has become known as Auntie Crackers!! 

Elijah always asks for crackers when he sees her, but not just any crackers! He is very picky about his crackers and prefers goldfish. He doesn't like wheatthins though. He practically lived on crackers the two weekends we stayed at their house when my parents were traveling to adopt Jonathan. :)

There! Hopefully I stay caught up now! :)

And of course I can't forget about dear Lyla!!

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